Thursday, July 8, 2010

Right past day three into day four

Blogging for day three wasn't happening as I would've been totally incoherent from sleep deprivation. However, today, I feel slightly less fatigued, and am blogging before midnight, so here we go...

Yesterday, Francis Chan spoke on Creation. He is an amazingly gifted man and I (and many others, I'm sure) are thankful that God has used those gifts to bless us. He challenged all of us to see the redefinition of life that results from a collision with Christ. Of impact to our students were the following:

1.) We all have an enemy, his name is Satan and he wants to devour us. Thankfully, we have a Father, his name is God and he has sworn destruction on all who oppose us.

2.) Satan leaves us alone when we are ambivalent or opposed to the Kingdom of God. It's when we start to live like Jesus that Satan pulls out all the stops and makes our life really rough.

Today, Derwin Gray, a mountain of a man who used to play for the Indianapolis Colts spoke, and he is a funny man with insights as big as his biceps! He spoke with us today about the incarnation and what that means for the believer. A couple of great points he threw at us:

1.) We don't need to live FOR Jesus, we need to have Jesus live IN us.

2.) If the Holy Spirit did not come down and dwell within us, there is no evidence of our redemption, no power of our salvation.

Tonight was our big excursion to Louisville Slugger Field where we were to have a concert with Kutless and watch a baseball game. Let's just say that this was one of those events that looked better on paper than it panned out. Kutless was very brave to play the venue, which was underpowered and dead as far as acoustics go. They played from center field, robbing them of the typical up-close-crowd participation. Weatherwise, it was sunny, hot and humid with a very tiny, occasional breeze. Combine all these things and the kids had a hard time getting into the concert. Then we had about an 1.5 hour wait until the game started, in which we got more hot and sweaty. We were slated to do a "Flash Mob" dance (which wasn't really a flash mob, but I'll leave that for another time), and after we did this in the 5th inning, almost all the churches left the baseball game. We were hot and sweaty and had no personal interest in the game being played (out of our 20 attendees, 2 wanted to stay, 2 were kind of ambivalent but 16 wanted to leave badly).

Things have been interesting regarding group dynamics. I can tell that students and leaders are running on less sleep than normal as we are all a bit irritable, but we soldier on. I have to be proud that we haven't had any major blowups (yet) on this trip, and I still feel that something is brewing. What will it be? Who knows but God?


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